Why GenAI Call Auditing Is the Next Big Thing

Insights Agent for call auditing

For years, contact centers have been sitting on a treasure trove of insights buried in millions of customer calls, but extracting these insights has been inefficient—like owning a library and only reading a few books. Automated Call Auditing with GenAI changes this, enabling brands to tap into 100% of their customer interactions and turn every conversation into actionable insights.

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Gone are the days of ‘spray and pray’ approaches. GenAI solutions have evolved from buzzwords to addressing high-impact challenges. One standout application is the ability to audit every call using GenAI, which contact center leaders are embracing because, true to form, the technology delivers results where it matters most.

The Old Way to Audit Calls

For decades, contact centers have employed analysts and QAs who, despite their best efforts, could only audit a fraction of customer calls. Monitoring just 3 to 5% of these interactions has left business leaders with an incomplete picture. It’s like trying to solve a puzzle with only a few pieces. And yet, brands rely on this narrow data to make critical decisions about customer experience, agent performance, and next steps.

Customer calls range from 3 to 7 minutes long, packed with valuable information about preferences, pain points, and emotions. Yet these recordings have traditionally been tucked away in a database, underutilized. The sheer volume makes manual analysis impossible. Enterprises have let these insights collect dust, leaving them with little more than gut feelings and guesses. Meanwhile, agents come and go, with churn rates reaching as high as 10% per month. New agents, often fresh out of training, are thrust onto the front lines with little real-time feedback on their performance.

And what’s more alarming? Business leaders are basing strategy on this incomplete data, shaping their customer interactions around mere fragments of the whole truth.

ALSO READ: 5 Ways Generative AI Transforms Customer Support in eCommerce

Right on Cue: An AI Agent to analyze every call

With the power of LLMs, businesses can now automate the process of listening to every single call. GenAI agents can comb through every interaction for insights, monitoring agent performance, and recording customer sentiment. Imagine a system that never tires, never overlooks key moments, and never misses an opportunity to learn. That’s the brilliance of Automated Call Auditing.

Audit 100% of customer calls with GenAI


With GenAI, businesses are no longer bound by the limitations of manual sampling. Every call is an opportunity, every customer interaction a data point.

Popular Use Cases

With GenAI-powered Automated Call Auditing, the ability to extract precise, actionable data from customer interactions has become indispensable. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key use cases where this technology is transforming how businesses operate and thrive.

Sentiment analysis 


Every call tells a story, and sentiment analysis captures that very narrative. GenAI can divide a call into segments and track the emotional journey of the customer. For example, at the start, customers might sound neutral or positive. As the conversation progresses, they may seek more clarity or express frustration. By the end, a resolution may bring a sense of relief or hope. These nuances are often missed by agents or analysts. With Automated Call Auditing, sentiment is measured to provide a true picture of customer satisfaction and agent effectiveness.

Query resolution


One of the oldest challenges in the book -  agents marking issues as resolved even when they’re not. Whether due to dropped calls or hasty conclusions, this often skews customer satisfaction metrics. GenAI listens in on every detail, painting an accurate picture of whether the issue was genuinely resolved. No more relying on agent discretion.

Agent performance

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This is where the rubber meets the road. With Automated Call Auditing, agents are evaluated not only on whether they resolve queries but also on their clarity, empathy, tone, and patience. Did they speak clearly? Were they polite? Did they express empathy or simply rush through the conversation? The AI Agent pinpoints specific areas of improvement, providing team leaders with the exact moments in a call where an agent may have faltered. Feedback becomes data-driven and precise, allowing managers to tailor their coaching. Picture this, an agent struggling with explaining a complex product feature. The AI Agent identifies not just the struggle but offers a snippet of the call where the agent stumbled, creating an opportunity for direct feedback. 

SOP adherence


Agents often deviate from standard scripts or procedures, sometimes at the cost of accuracy. Automated Call Auditing can detect these deviations, flagging moments where the agent went off-script or provided incorrect information. This insight helps managers identify which agents need additional training, ensuring that all customer interactions adhere to company standards. Agent enablement becomes more than just a box-ticking exercise but a continuous process of improvement backed by data.

Upselling and cross-selling opportunities

A support call isn’t just a moment to fix an issue; it’s a golden opportunity to enhance customer value. Yet, most agents are so focused on resolving the problem at hand that they forget about upselling or cross-selling other products. GenAI can identify moments where these opportunities were missed, allowing managers to coach agents on how to maximize these high-value interactions.

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Closing Thoughts

When every interaction counts, Automated Call Auditing with GenAI is a brilliant stroke that brings clarity and precision that contact centers need. By listening to every call, monitoring agent performance, and uncovering hidden opportunities, enterprises are no longer playing a guessing game. Every decision is informed, every action backed by data.