How to sell more with conversational AI

How to sell more with conversational AI

Welcome to the age of conversational commerce, where the power to sell more and achieve unprecedented success lies at the fingertips of businesses embracing cutting-edge technology. Consumers yearn for instant gratification and personalized experiences that resonate with their unique preferences. To meet these demands head-on, brands are embarking on an exciting quest to revolutionize their customer connections, leveraging the game-changing potential of GPT-powered conversational AI

As businesses from diverse sectors awaken to its immense possibilities, conversational AI is poised to soar, projected to surpass an eye-watering market value of $32.5 billion by 2030.

Why is conversational AI causing such a stir? The answer is simple: its ability to deliver quick, personalized, and hassle-free experiences has become the secret weapon for brands seeking to unlock hyper-growth potential. By seamlessly transforming customer support, revolutionizing sales strategies, and supercharging marketing efforts, conversational AI paves the way for unparalleled achievements. 

In this blog, we delve deep into the world of conversational AI, exploring how this remarkable tool can propel brands toward unparalleled success. So, buckle up and get ready to unleash the true potential of conversational commerce, because the future of brand-consumer interaction starts here. 

  1. Being Omnipresent
  2. Achieve Greater Marketing Returns
  3. Automate Lead Generation and Qualification Process
  4. Personalized Selling
  5. Improve Conversion Rate
  6. Enhance Upsell Cross-Sell Opportunities
  7. Retargeting 

7 Ways to Use Conversational AI to Boost Sales

#1 Being Omnipresent

Conversational AI empowers brands to be omnipresent by establishing a seamless omnichannel presence. Omnichannel messaging allows customers to start conversations on one channel and continue seamlessly on others, ensuring personalized and cohesive experiences.

With global consumers relying on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp for product research, AI chatbots enable brands to engage customers and provide support on these influential channels. By leveraging conversational AI, brands can be readily available across platforms, effectively nudging customers through the sales funnel while meeting them where they already spend their time. 

Here are a few statistics that prove the significance of these platforms: 

  • 90% of people on Instagram follow a business 
  • 91% of Indian shoppers who use Facebook use it for shopping activities
  • Companies using the WhatsApp Business API are already sending over 100 million daily messages



Using AI chatbots, brands can engage customers and offer support by being available on all the powerful platforms, thereby nudging them across the sales funnel. 

#2 Achieve Greater Marketing Returns

Conversational AI empowers brands to achieve greater marketing returns by leveraging interactive Conversational Ads and collecting behavioral user insights. With AI chatbots, brands can initiate conversations through Click-to-Message CTAs, addressing prospects' queries in real time and generating instant leads. 

By collecting and analyzing user data, brands can tailor targeted campaigns that resonate with customers' specific interests and desires, increasing engagement and conversion rates. The ability to deliver customized and contextualized marketing messages aligns with the preferences of 72% of consumers, enhancing brand-consumer relationships and driving higher marketing returns. 


READ MORE: Convert More with Click-to-WhatsApp Ads 

#3 Automate Lead Generation and Qualification Process

Conversational AI chatbot solutions revolutionize lead generation and qualification processes by replacing lengthy forms with engaging two-way communication. Powered by GPT, AI chatbots interact with prospects, offer information, and gather specific details on requirements, budgets, and preferences. 

This automated approach not only captures leads but also qualifies them, creating robust pipelines. By streamlining the process and eliminating drop-offs, conversational AI chatbots transform lead generation, ensuring efficient and personalized interactions that result in higher quality leads and increased conversion rates for brands. 

READ MORE: The Essential Guide To Chatbots For Lead Nurturing & Conversions 

#4 Personalized Selling

92% of shoppers were influenced to buy products with personalized shopping recommendations. Conversational AI can help brands add personalization to online shopping at scale with shopping bots. With a powerful recommendation engine like Haptik's, brands can transform their AI chatbots into shopping assistants that provide customers with expert-like guidance, understand the intent behind the purchase, and help them find exactly what they are looking for in the minimum amount of time.


READ MORE: Shopping Bot: Everything You Need To Know 

#5 Improve Conversion Rate

Giving customers a great buying experience is equally important as the product or service itself. An AI chatbot interacts with online shoppers personally, guiding them throughout their buying journey and recommending the best products, thus improving conversions and leaving a lasting impression that instills customer loyalty. 

#6 Enhance Upsell Cross-Sell Opportunities

Conversational AI empowers brands to capitalize on upsell and cross-sell opportunities by leveraging real-time customer data. AI chatbots can proactively recommend relevant add-ons based on customer interests and purchase history, effectively increasing the chances of successful upselling. By providing personalized suggestions during conversations, conversational AI enables brands to optimize revenue generation, enhance customer satisfaction, and maximize the value of each interaction. 

#7 Retargeting

A staggering 69.57% of carts get abandoned, and four out of five shoppers leave their carts before buying. Conversational AI can help brands recover abandoned carts by sending personalized notifications that engage customers at the right time in their buying journey. With an AI chatbot, companies can notify customers with periodic updates to keep them informed about their orders, payments, and shipping statuses. Additionally, AI chatbots can re-engage customers by sharing new discounts & offers, back-in-stock alerts, pending cart reminders, etc., and nudge them to complete their purchases.

Retargeting with Conversational AI

DOWNLOAD REPORT: Win Back Your Abandoned Carts with WhatsApp Chatbots  

To Sum Up… 

In the quest to sell more and unlock untapped growth potential, brands have found an invaluable ally in conversational AI. This transformative technology has revolutionized the way businesses connect with customers, enabling personalized, convenient, and engaging interactions across various channels. 

With conversational AI as a strategic tool, brands can navigate the evolving digital landscape, drive sales, generate revenue, and elevate the customer experience to new heights. Haptik has been at the forefront of the conversational AI revolution. It is a recipient of multiple G2 badges recognized by Gartner and Opus Research and powered conversational AI solutions for leading Indian brands such as Jio, TATA, Upstox, Dream11, Kotak Mahindra, Mumbai Indians, and more. 

Start Your Conversational Commerce Journey with Haptik 

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