How Conversational Commerce is Changing the Way We Sell

Shopify Across the Pond
Our partner Blend Commerce offers a weekly podcast for Shopify brands that are riding the waves of eCommerce growth. From marketing to hiring, to apps to funding, the podcast is here to bring you inspiration, support and growth as a Shopify brand.
The May episode featured our SVP Americas, UK, and EU, Mr. Aaron Shagrin.
Episode Summary:
In this episode, Aaron Shagrin, SVP Americas, UK, and EU at Haptik discusses how Shopify Plus customers can use conversational commerce to drive revenue and stickiness across Acquisition, Conversion, Support, and Retention.
Episode Notes:
Specifically, Aaron discusses:
- What conversational commerce is and why it's important
- What factors have contributed to its growth
- What he see's happening with conversational commerce in the next year
- How Haptik can help